NEXANS – Electrification is in our DNA
cable solutions for public and office buildings

Fire Safety Cables

– Fire safety starts with cables
Low fire-hazard cables: lower smoke opacity and gases emissions, even prevent flame from spreading and reduce heat release.
Fire resistant cables: ensure integrity of function during a fire.
Regulators, architects, engineering offices, contractors, wholesalers, cables manufacturers, etc. everyone should play an active role in the use of fire safety cables.

Low Fire-Hazard cables ensure lower smoke opacity and gases emissions, prevent flame from spreading and reduce heat release.
A low level of opacity of smoke produced and acidity of the effluent are basic criteria in the selection of materials that, in the event of fire, make it possible to reduce the presence of dangerous gases and to facilitate escape. It is essential that the production of opaque smoke and harmful emissions is as low as possible during a fire.
IEC 60332-1

IEC 60332-3

FIRE RESISTANCE IEC60331 – Tests for electric cables under fire conditions



IEC 61034 – BS IEC 61034-2

Acids and Corrosive Gas Emission IEC60754

0.6/1kV Cu/LSZH Low Smoke Zero Halogen Cable

Alescure Plus MIC 0.6/1kV CU/MICA/LSZH Fire Resistant Power Cable

300/500V CU/MICA/XLPE/OSCR/LSZH Instrument Cable

BFOU Fire & Mud Resistant Armoured Low Voltage Power and Control 0.6/1 kV